Saturday, November 7, 2015

Exit Tickets in the Classroom

     Exit Tickets are a great way to capture a quick “snapshot” of student understanding.  Not only do they require little to no prep work, but they should only take students 3-4 minutes to complete.  Teachers can hand students a sticky note and ask them to record their answer to a prompt, or even record their answer to a particular question they are working on at their desk.  Having a designated place for students to stick their exit ticket, familiarizes students with the routine and allows the teacher to easily check them.  They can sort out those that are correct from those that are not, making note of which students to speak to the next time they see them in class.  This gives teachers a “snapshot” of each students’ understanding in one moment in time rather than waiting until the next scheduled assessment.  And teachers can require students to complete them before they exit the room!  Another way to prevent students from cleaning up early. 

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